Scottsdale Endangerment Lawyer

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Best Scottsdale Endangerment Lawyer

Scottsdale Endangerment Attorney

Facing an endangerment charge is serious, as it suggests someone’s actions put another individual in danger. Endangerment cases do not always require a victim to suffer an injury. Rather, the possibility of putting someone in a vulnerable position where they could be injured is enough to result in an endangerment charge. However, not all accusations of endangerment end up being true. A Scottsdale endangerment lawyer can help uncover the truth.

At The Law Office of Joshua A. Lopez, LLC, we have seen firsthand the amount of stress and anxiety that comes with facing endangerment charges. That’s why our team is dedicated to providing personalized legal aid that can make a difference in your case. With our deep history in Arizona criminal law, we can work hard to investigate your case, challenge the stack of evidence you face, and advocate for the outcome you are hoping to achieve.

Endangerment Lawyer

Call The Law Office of Joshua A. Lopez, LLC today at (844) 707-9356 for your Free Consultation!

What Are Most Endangerment Cases in Arizona About?

When someone faces an endangerment charge, it typically results from actions that place another person at risk of significant harm. These cases commonly stem from behaviors that law enforcement deems to be reckless or dangerous. Some common scenarios that often lead to endangerment charges in Scottsdale include:

  • Reckless Driving
    One of the most frequent causes of an endangerment charge is reckless driving. This is where someone makes the decision to engage in dangerous behavior, like speeding or weaving through traffic recklessly, while they have someone else in the car. Additionally, a pedestrian could also file a claim for reckless driving if the driver put them in an unnecessarily dangerous position.
  • Unsafe Handling of Firearms
    Another common example of endangerment in Scottsdale is the reckless handling of firearms. Anyone who discharges a weapon in public, brandishes it in a threatening manner, or leaves a loaded gun accessible to a child can face an endangerment charge. These cases are taken very seriously due to the amount of gun safety training an individual is supposed to undergo when purchasing a gun.
  • Dangerous Home Environments
    If there is any evidence to suggest someone has created a hazardous living situation, like exposing a child to drug manufacturing or severe neglect, they risk facing an endangerment charge. This is because those who have children in their homes have a duty to care for the child and keep them safe. The potential penalties for these allegations are often reflected by the perceived severity of the risk the child was facing.
  • Workplace Negligence
    Employers or individuals who purposefully expose workers to unsafe conditions also risk the chance of being charged with endangerment. This charge is common in certain industries, especially those involving heavy machinery or hazardous material, where failing to follow posted safety rules can result in severe injury or death.
  • Hazards from Pets or Animals
    If someone allows a pet to behave aggressively or fails to store an animal that has a history of being abusive, someone who is injured or endangered can press charges. For example, if they believe a dog owner neglected to restrain their dog after dealing with several biting incidents in the past, the owner could face legal consequences for putting others at risk.While all of the above scenarios are legitimate forms of endangerment, being accused of any one of these does not automatically mean that you will be found guilty. Everyone has the right to defend themselves in court and share their side of the story. Work with a Scottsdale criminal defense lawyer to investigate the facts in your case and present evidence that combats the original allegations.


Q: Can You File a Claim Against Someone for Endangerment in Arizona?

A: Endangerment cases are typically criminal matters, which means that the state could prosecute the accused individual rather than the alleged victim. However, there are some instances where a civil claim can be filed if the alleged perpetrator’s actions caused harm, emotional distress, or property damage. Civil claims allow victims to collect financial compensation for the actions of another they are able to link to endangerment.

Q: What Is an Endangerment Charge in Arizona?
Q: How Much Does a Criminal Lawyer Cost in Arizona?
Q: What Is the Statute of Child Endangerment in Arizona?

Call The Law Office of Joshua A. Lopez, LLC at (844) 609-0216 for your Consultation with a Phoenix Protective Order legal specialist.

Contact The Law Office of Joshua A. Lopez, LLC, Today

If you have recently been charged with endangerment in Scottsdale and are unsure how to move forward, contact our Scottsdale Endangerment Lawyer today. We are proud to provide a safe, legal space where those facing uncertainty can feel comfortable sharing what happened and securing the type of support they need. Don’t hesitate to see how our firm can assist you with an endangerment charge today.

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